Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to My World.....

So this is my blog, let me say one thing, it isn't yours. Ive never really been a sociable person and i really should be studying for finals, but who cares? I mean really, if you like this then you like it but i wont shove it down your throats like a giant pill. Brainwash you to become my "fans" whatever that even means anymore.
Some of my favorite things include: music, writing angst-fueled poetry, watching skins or freaks and geeks, reading, trying to fix everything, trying to change people, acting up, acting down, whatever you like.

That's enough about me, who pray tell are you? are you a prissy little rich kid, a messed up rich kid, a cool kid, a real cool kid, a stoner, a slut, a twat, a nobody. Well don't be defined by my stereotypes, that's just how I see the world. How I see high school. But don't take me seriously, I might be crazy. I haven't been tested. Well this blog is about my life.